Effect Of Tofu Liquid Waste Fertilizer And Compost Of Rice Straw On The Growth And Production Of Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L)

Pengaruh Pupuk Limbah Cair Tahu Dan Kompos Jerami Padi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L)

  • (1)  M Abror            Universitas muhammadiyah SIdoarjo  

  • (2)  Sisilia dewi            Universitas muhammadiyah SIdoarjo  

    (*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tofu liquid waste fertilizer and straw compost on the growth and production of pakcoy plants. This research was con- ducted in Gondang Hamlet, Kepulungan Village, Gempol Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, starting in January to March 2019. Using Factorial Randomized Design (RBD) with two factors and repeated 3 times followed by a 5% BNJ Test, the first factor was fertilizer tofu liquid waste ie without tofu liquid waste fertilizer , tofu liquid waste fertilizer 25ml / poly- bag, tofu liquid waste fertilizer 50ml / polybag, tofu liquid waste fertilizer 75ml / polybag. The second factor was straw compost namely 25% straw compost and soil and 50% straw compost and soil. The results showed that in the plant length variable interaction occurred, in the treatment of tofu liquid waste fertilizer there was a significant different effect on the variable number of leaves, leaf area, wet weight and dry weight, in the treat- ment of straw compost there were significantly different effects on the number of leaves and leaf area variables , in the treatment of T3B2 the yield of the pakcoy plant is better


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Picture in here are illustration from public domain image (License) or provided by the author, as part of their works
How to Cite
Abror, M., & dewi, S. (2020). Effect Of Tofu Liquid Waste Fertilizer And Compost Of Rice Straw On The Growth And Production Of Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L). Nabatia, 8(1), 9-15. Retrieved from https://nabatia.umsida.ac.id/index.php/nabatia/article/view/915

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