Focus and Scope

Focus: The focus of the journal is to communicate the results of research conducted by professors, teachers, practitioners, and scientists in the field of agrotechnology, including plants, soil, crop production management, and agricultural technology. The primary aim is to advance knowledge and practical applications in these areas to benefit the agricultural community and enhance sustainable practices.


  1. Plants Research:

    • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry: Studies on plant growth, development, and metabolism, including the biochemical and physiological processes that affect plant health and productivity.
    • Genetics and Plant Breeding: Research on genetic improvement of plants through traditional breeding methods and modern biotechnological approaches, including genetic modification and marker-assisted selection.
    • Plant Pathology: Investigation of plant diseases, their causes, and control measures, including studies on pathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses) and plant immune responses.
  2. Soil Research:

    • Soil Fertility and Management: Studies on soil properties, nutrient cycling, and soil fertility management practices to enhance crop productivity.
    • Soil Conservation: Research on soil erosion, degradation, and conservation techniques to maintain soil health and sustainability.
    • Soil-Plant Interactions: Examination of the interactions between soil properties and plant growth, including studies on root development, soil microbiology, and nutrient uptake.
  3. Crop Production Management:

    • Agronomic Practices: Research on crop cultivation techniques, including planting methods, crop rotation, intercropping, and sustainable farming practices.
    • Irrigation and Water Management: Studies on efficient water use, irrigation methods, and water conservation techniques in crop production.
    • Pest and Weed Management: Investigation of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, including biological control, chemical control, and cultural practices to manage pests and weeds.
  4. Technology in Agriculture:

    • Precision Agriculture: Research on the application of technology to enhance agricultural productivity, including the use of GPS, remote sensing, and data analytics for precision farming.
    • Farm Machinery and Equipment: Studies on the development, improvement, and application of farm machinery and equipment to increase efficiency in agricultural operations.
    • Post-Harvest Technology: Research on post-harvest handling, storage, and processing techniques to reduce losses and improve the quality of agricultural produce.