Response Growth And Production Of Soybean (Glicine Max) On Composting Fertilizer (Azolla And Straw) And Additional Rhizobium
Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Kedelai (Glicine Max ) Pada Perlakuan Pemberian Pupuk Kompos (Azolla Dan Jerami) Dan Penambahan Rhizobium
The need for soybeans is very high, but not balanced by soybean production. Recorded in 2014, the government should import kedelei of 67.28% of the national soybean demand. Therefore, sustainable agricultural system is needed to increase soybean production. The aim of this research is to know the combination of treatment of biological fertilizer (Rhizobium) and compost (azolla and straw). The experiment was conducted in Panjer village, Mojosari sub-district, Mojokerto, from April to July 2017. The research used randomized block design (RAK) factorial design with 2 factors. Factor 1 was rhizobium (without rhizobium (R0) and rhizobium (R1)) and factor 2 is the application of compost fertilizer (without the application of compost fertilizer (K0), azolla compost fertilizer (K1), the application of straw compost fertilizer (K2) and the composting of azolla compost and straw compost (K3)). From these two factors, 8 treatment combinations were repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed by multiform analysis followed by 5% duncan test. The results showed that the treatment combination was not significantly different, but the compost treatment showed that azolla compost was able to increase both vegetative and generative growth, whereas in biofertilizer was able to increase wet weight of root nodule but did not affect the increase of other observation parameters.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Andriani Eko P, Didit Riancono

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